Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A New Day

I went to bed feeling discouraged and defeated. Life in general has just been overwhelming lately...I'm not complaining, just being honest.  So this morning I woke up to a text of encouragement from a sweet friend and then when I opened my Bible (intending to turn to Romans 5 - a passage recommended by my texting friend) it fell open to Psalm 91. I decided to read that first and BOY was I blessed! I love how God speaks so personally to each one of us. I've read Psalm 91 over and over in the past and it has always been a great passage, but today it was a note of encouragement straight from my God's heart to my own.  I hope you'll take the time to read may not speak to you today like it did to me, but maybe God will put someone on your heart that needs to hear those words as I did....

Psalm 91 (NKJV)
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.  A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked.   Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.  Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.

Psalm 91

I hope this spoke peace to your soul as it did to mine. Have a great day today and remember that His mercies are new every morning! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A year to remember...

One year ago today is a day that I will never forget. I received news that would forever change my life...especially the following year! Another little Curry was on the way!!! We were surprised, but thrilled nonetheless! D-day was marked on the calendar as October 23rd, all the siblings were excited (except Molly...she was pretty sure she was the baby), and Brett & I were amazed that God had decided to trust us with another sweet blessing.  On March 31st I had concerning symptoms and was sent in the next day for an ultrasound. I can't even explain the relief (and tears) that washed over my heart when we saw that little heart was alive and well, but surrounded by a very large placental lake. Because of this I was put on moderate bed rest (which means I didn't have to be in bed, but I had to sit all the time & I wasn't allowed to lift anything ) for one month (for a mother of 4 young children that is a monumental assignment!). That was the longest and hardest month of my life - I'm not a sitter, I'm a doer. Thank goodness for great friends though!!! Within 12 hours of the news my dear friend/sister Meagan had organized a month of meals, house cleaning, and childcare for our family! Even as I type tears of gratitude fill my eyes...we would have been in such a mess (literally:) if we hadn't had so many people willing to bring meals, scrub toilets, wash & fold laundry, and care for our kiddos. I am SO thankful for all that helped out! :)  At the end of the month I had another ultrasound which showed that not much had changed. My midwife said that obviously all the sitting hadn't helped the placental lake to reabsorb so she allowed me to be up and around. Still no lifting or heavy/hard work though. The biggest concern at that point was preterm labor and/or a very small baby. Week after week passed and each ultrasound showed baby thriving but little to no change in the size of the lake. Each time I saw/heard that little thump thump of baby's heart or felt baby move within me I thanked God for another day another moment with this precious baby. Once we passed 23 weeks (that's when baby is viable outside the womb) my goal was 36 weeks which is how far along I would have to be to follow through with our plans for a home birth. September 25th, 2010 was a day of celebration for me - I had a healthy, growing baby and I had reached 36 weeks! The lake was still present, but no longer a concern! At 34 weeks Brett asked the tech to tell him the baby's gender, but I DID NOT want to know so he kept it a secret. :)  On Saturday, October 9th I woke up around 8 and went downstairs. My parents were coming over to make breakfast for the kids and Brett & I...or so I thought. :) We were all standing around the kitchen talking while my dad made breakfast when we hear a commotion in my front yard and our name being called through a bullhorn. I hesitantly opened the front door (I was, after all, still in my pjs - thankfully they matched and were decent!) to find most of our life group plus a few extras standing on my front lawn. They were there to do some very long overdue and much needed yard work (you would have to see pics or have been here to understand how badly it was needed)! My first contraction came about 5 minutes before I opened the front door. :)  I told no one (except Brett of course) for quite a while. But my mom, sister, and those friends who knew me best knew what was going on just by watching me. At noon I texted the midwife to let her know what was going on. She gave me very specific instructions on when to call back (my last labor/birth had been only 3 1/2 hours & the midwife barely made it in time to deliver). At 2:09 I called her and she headed this way (from Webb City - about an hour away). I went to my room and prepared everything for the coming delivery. The midwife arrived around 3:30 and at 4:45 precious Maggie Hope (our 4th girl!) entered the room surrounded by those who loved her the most (and the sound of the power washer still going in the front yard!)! She was healthy and beautiful and oh so loved. We had been concerned for months about a preemie, but Maggie was 8 lbs 3 oz - our biggest baby yet! What a testimony of God's faithfulness to His children - not only was she not a preemie, she was big for a Curry baby! The last 4 months have gone by so quickly and with so much joy. Each of our children are a blessing and bring joy to us! Yes, there are many difficult & overwhelming days that I wonder how I will survive, but His mercies are new every morning and for that I am eternally grateful!

So that is the last year in a nutshell. I woke up this morning thinking about it and just had to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper...uh...digitally speaking.  It's been an emotional rollercoaster, but the ups make the downs tolerable.  At the moment Maggie is sleeping in her swing and I can't help but look at her every few minutes and thank God for our sweet baby girl - how differently things could have been if not for God's protection over her.

Oh, and our yard looks amazing! I'm looking forward to spring weather so I can sit on the front porch again and enjoy the view. We have the World's Best Friends!

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentine's Day!!!

Last night as Brett & I sat making our construction paper valentines (I'm sure it was quite a picture...both of us using kid scissors...him sitting at my desk and me squished into Emma's...cutting paper hearts...HA!) I so enjoyed writing a sweet note to each of my kiddos. And the thought came to mind - why do I only do this once a year? I should be doing it once week!  A sweet note left on their pillow or on their desk. Just a few words to let them know that I love them and I'm proud of them and I'm so glad that God picked me to be their mama. So that's my newest goal for this year (I'm attempting one-at-a-time bite-sized goals this year:) - I want to write each of my kiddos a note once a week. I think this will change my perspective of them and their perspective of me. :) And a change in perspective is always good! 

Tonight for Family Night at my parent's we're having a Valentine Party! We're ALL (adults included) making valentine bags and handing out valentines to each other. We're eating dessert first and we'll all get bags full of candy, valentines, and special treats (just like we did in 1st grade:), and the kids will each get a balloon too! I don't remember the last time I was so excited about V-Day!  

So...those are my thoughts for this morning. I might have more later though...there are alot of things swirling around in my head today...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My thoughts...

We got school finished without too much trouble and the house isn't in total disarray so I'd say it's been an overall productive day.  No one said anything super funny, there were no disasters, and no major events in the Curry House on this very cold February day (but it's not over yet - so stay tuned).

 :)  I love the snow (which is good because we've had about 12ish inches in the last week and a half!) and have enjoyed watching it from the window, but I do think I might be ready for spring now. There isn't much that can brighten my mood like a sunshiney, blue sky, warm day! Mmmmm....can you feel it? The sun shining on your back, the breeze blowing lightly across your face, the neighborhood (be it a 'real' neighborhood or the animals in the woods) beginning to come to life like they tend to do when the weather begins to change, and the birds chirping in the green trees???   I can't...all I can feel is the draft seeping in through the window sill in the dining room. But that's ok, this is Missouri and it's supposed to be 60 on Saturday! And for right now I'm more than content to have a fire in the insert, my kids all healthy and happy, and my husband home (working, but at least he's at home safe). Oh, and Jefferson on his blanket in the family room - I love that dog! :) OH, I see the sun peeking through the clouds! It's too late in the day for it to melt/warm anything, but it's a welcome sight anyway.

Veggie Lasagna for dinner recipe! Can't wait to taste it! I'm so looking forward to an evening with those closest to me - I am very blessed.

P.S. - What is it about writing that makes me weepy? It's like I'm typing a movie script and I can hear the music in the background. Silly woman, I know. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Beginning

This is the beginning of what I hope is a life-long habit of blogging.  I'm not good at journaling, but I want to keep track of life.....the answered prayers, overwhelming days, the funny kid stories, just plain ole' everyday life, and the things that God speaks to this is how I plan to accomplish that. we go.

Post#1 - After several days of agonizing over a name I've decided on spicyblessings! I think this name summarizes my life in 2 words very well...spicy because life at the Curry House is anything but dull (and curry is a bit spicy) and blessings because my life is so full of them..

I plan to add more pictures and music when I get the time, but for today I can at least say that I've started blogging (my 2011 goal)!
