Monday, September 5, 2011

The Bride of Christ

I went to a wedding on Saturday evening and have had these thoughts in my head since then...

Amber was a beautiful bride. Her smile was gorgeous, her joy was contagious, and her love for her groom and the Lord was evident. She was glowing...from the inside out. The vows were touching, the atmosphere was romantic, and the hymn chosen was a perfect addition (I was very moved while we were singing). And she presented herself to her groom as a pure bride. The bride's grandfather conducted the ceremony and during his message he talked about the bride of Christ and the "washing with water by the Word". This got me thinking....

Am I presenting myself to Christ as a 'pure' bride? Am I preparing myself for His return? Am I being washed with water by the Word? And what does 'pure' look like to Christ? I don't want to mess this one's more than a little important.

I don't have a thoughts on exactly what purity looks like. But I do have a desire to live a pure life and to prepare myself for my heavenly groom.

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